Most Trusted GPS Systems for Local Courier Services

GPS is one of the most useful technologies everybody uses when they drive. If you need to know how to get somewhere or when to leave due to traffic, GPS tells you everything you need to know. 

Three of the most common GPS apps people use are Waze, Google Maps, and Apple Maps. Today, we’ll be sharing some of our experiences and preferences with each app. There are pros and cons to each app, and not all of them are most suited for delivery.

Google Maps

Google Maps may be the most used out of all three. It has excellent traffic detection, useful features like “search along route” and a preference between fastest route and shortest route. Sometimes, it has some critical issues which will negatively affect your local deliveries.

Google Maps tends to have problems with addresses in areas outside of cities. I’ve had many deliveries in the Mt Forest area, Shelburne area and other locations alike where the address either does not exist, or is about 2 kilometres away from where I was supposed to be. 

Next, Google may have traffic data, but sometimes it tends to make clueless choices based off that data. There have been many times where the GPS states to take 401 Express, and shows “Red” traffic on the collector’s lane, when in fact the “Red” traffic lasts for an extra 2 or 3 kilometres. In occassions such as this one, not listenning to Google Maps would have saved 5-7 minutes.

Apple Maps

In contrast to Google Maps’ address problems, Apple Maps always seems to show the correct address. It has been the app that our drivers migrate to quite frequently for our deliveries.

Some reported issues with Apple Maps lie in the slow app UI. It tends to freeze more often than competitor apps, which can cause last second right or left turns, which isn’t ideal if driving during busy traffic.


Waze is a popular app for two reasons. 

1) People say it’s the only app that shows the location of police cars

2) It does a good job at displaying traffic data.

From our experience using Waze for local deliveries, the app freezes and slows down much more than competitor applications.  We assume this is mostly due to the overpopulated UI. Additionally, it has heavy use of cellular data, so users who have a data limit can find themselves reaching their limit after a few days of working long hours.

In conclusion, our personal choice of best GPS for local couriers, local freight and local transportation services goes to Google Maps. We find it the most well rounded and customizable. It doesn’t take up much data and it is very versatile. It only lacks in some instances with addresses in rural areas, and the traffic data can be finnicky sometimes.