How to Choose a Reliable Freight Service

Freight services in Toronto come in abundance. Looking for a reliable freight service can be tricky when sorting through countless different websites with much of the same information.

We can help you.

Our customers keep us busy every day, through which we can provide five different categories to evaluate a freight service you are considering to hire:

  • Equipment
  • Personnel
  • Reputation
  • Convenience
  • Booking System

Let’s break them down:

1. Equipment

A freight service without the correct equipment is not a freight service. Straps, chains, pump truck, tailgate, dolly, etc. are necessary for every customer no matter what.

2. Personnel

Confidence in the freight service starts with their personnel. Whether it’s an operator over the phone, management, or drivers. The point of contact between the freight service representative and customer is a great tell as to what you can expect. Look for attention to detail, clarity, professionalism, and initiative. If the representative has these qualities, be sure to expect the same with the freight service itself.

3. Reputation

This one speaks for itself: a freight service with a quality reputation is a company you can trust. Whether large or small, make sure their previous work exceeded expectations.

4. Convenience

This category dips into personnel. If the representative of the freight service misses calls, or is often too busy to talk, take that as a red flag. You do not want to hire a freight service to be neglected when your concerns matter most.

5. Booking System

“Proprietary system”, “Easy to book”, “Online freight booking” are all great things to advertise, but they will usually be very confusing and have many unnecessary steps involved. A smooth website and easy to
use freight booking system are “must haves” for any modern freight service. Dealing with out-dated systems can be a hassle and is unacceptable in today’s technological climate.

To conclude: next time you need to book a freight service make sure to consider the factors above. Here at MBE Dedicated we put countless hours of effort on the road and over the phone every day to make our customers happy, which is why we know these five categories so well, and more importantly, why we know our customers so well.

If you require freight services, please contact our owner Michael Biafore over email or phone at [email protected], 647-975-5796.

You can also email [email protected] for general inquires or free quotes!